Monday, June 20, 2011

Nothing New

Sunday was pretty laid back.  Jorge and I rode our bikes to town and walked around the mall, which was pretty nice to my surprise.  I spent the rest of the day reading and watching soccer.  I was able to Skype my whole family who were all celebrating Father's Day together. 

Today was a pretty slow day.  I spent most of my time reading rules and regulations.  Then I made a spreadsheet that I hope will be useful at some point.  I believe that we will have a team meeting tomorrow morning, and hopefully I will have some more information to work with.  If not, then I will need to contact the civil engineers doing the stormwater management plan and discuss their methodology.  I have been real lazy since I got over here.  Since it gets dark around five, I go to sleep around nine, and I do not have to wake up till half past seven.  I need to start running I guess.

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